HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
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001A-1.1 A 2-19 The control point is where the control|operator function is performed
What is the control point of an amateur station?
A. The location at which the control operator function is
B. The operating position of any amateur station operating as a
repeater user station
C. The physical location of any Amateur Radio transmitter, even
if it is operated by radio link from some other location
D. The variable frequency oscillator (VFO) of the transmitter
002A-1.2 B 2-19 The control point is where the control|operator function is performed
What is the term for the location at which the control operator
function is performed?
A. The operating desk
B. The control point
C. The station location
D. The manual control location
003A-2.1 B 26 These are the Novice privileges and|would not apply without a code test
What are the HF privileges authorized to a Technician control
operator in ITU region 2?
A. 3675 to 3725 kHz, 7100 to 7150 kHz (7050 to 7075 kHz when
terrestrial station location is in Alaska or Hawaii or outside
Region 2), 14,100 to 14,150 kHz, 21,100 to 21,150 kHz, and
28,100 to 28,150 kHz only
B. 3675 to 3725 kHz, 7100 to 7150 kHz (7050 to 7075 kHz when
terrestrial station location is in Alaska or Hawaii or outside
Region 2), 21,100 to 21,200 kHz, and 28,100 to 28,500 kHz only
C. 28,000 to 29,700 kHz only
D. 3675 to 3725 kHz, 7100 to 7150 kHz (7050 to 7075 kHz when
terrestrial station location is in Alaska or Hawaii or outside
Region 2), and 21,100 to 21,200 kHz only
Deleted question, included for reference only. The privileges in
answer B would only apply to an upgraded Novice or a Tech Plus.
004A-2.2 C 2-8 Tech gets all authorize privileges|above 50 MHz. All but the Novice|are authorized on 52.525 MHz
Which operator licenses authorize privileges on 52.525 MHz?
A. Extra, Advanced only
B. Extra, Advanced, General only
C. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician only
D. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician, Novice
005A-2.3 B 2-8 Tech gets all authorize privileges|above 50 MHz
Which operator licenses authorize privileges on 146.52 MHz?
A. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician, Novice
B. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician only
C. Extra, Advanced, General only
D. Extra, Advanced only
006A-2.4 A 2-8 Novice Sub-Band
Which operator licenses authorize privileges on 223.50 MHz?
A. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician, Novice
B. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician only
C. Extra, Advanced, General only
D. Extra, Advanced only
007A-2.5 B 2-8 Tech gets all authorize privileges|above 50 MHz
Which operator licenses authorize privileges on 446.0 MHz?
A. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician, Novice
B. Extra, Advanced, General, Technician only
C. Extra, Advanced, General only
D. Extra, Advanced only
008A-3.1 A 2-20 Long enough to forget but not lifetime
How often do amateur service licenses generally need to be
A. Every 10 years
B. Every 5 years
C. Every 2 years
D. They are lifetime licenses
009A-3.2 A 2-20 Two years to renew an expired license
The FCC currently issues amateur licenses carrying 10-year
terms. What is the "grace period" during which the FCC will
renew an expired 10 year license?
A. 2 years
B. 5 years
C. 10 years
D. There is no grace period
010A-3.3 A 2-20 Send the Form 610 to Gettysburg, Pa
What action would you take to modify your operator/primary
station license?
A. Properly fill out FCC Form 610 and send it to the FCC in
Gettysburg, Pa
B. Properly fill out FCC Form 610 and send It to the nearest
FCC field office
C. Write the FCC at their nearest field office
D. There is no need to modify an amateur license between
011A-4.1 B 2-19 The six meter band is 50.0 - 54.0 MHz|FM Telephony maybe used on all of the|band except the first 100 kHz
On what frequencies within the 6-meter band may FM phone
emissions be transmitted?
A. 50.0-54.0 MHz only
B. 50.1-54.0 MHz only
C. 51.0-54.0 MHz only
D. 52.0-54.0 MHz only
012A-4.2 A 2-20 Television maybe used on all of the|band except the first 100 kHz, with|a bandwidth limit on the signal
On what frequencies within the 2-meter band may FM image
emissions be transmitted?
A. 144.1-148.0 MHz only
B. 146.0-148.0 MHz only
C. 144.0-148.0 MHz only
D. 146.0-147.0 MHz only
013A-4.3 A 2-25 CW may always be used|at 20 WPM or less for|identification
What emission type may always be used for station identification,
regardless of the transmitting frequency?
D. Phone
014A-5.1 D 2-21 Change frequencies because amateur|service is secondary, comes after|the other primary service
If you are using a frequency with a band designated to the amateur
service on a secondary basis and another station assigned to a
primary service on that band causes interference, what action should
you take?
A. Notify the FCC's regional Engineer in Charge of the interference
B. Increase your transmitter's power to overcome the interference
C. Attempt to contact the station and request that it stop the
D. Change frequencies; you may also be causing interference to the
other station and that would be a violation of FCC rules
015A-5.2 C 2-21 Both stations have equal rights. No|amateur station owns a frequency, not|even a "public service" net
What is the basic principle of frequency sharing between two
stations allocated to a primary service within a frequency
band, but each in a different ITU Region or Subregion?
A. The station with a control operator holding a lesser class
of license must yield the frequency to the station with a
control operator holding a higher class license
B. The station with a lower power output must yield the
frequency to the station with the higher power output
C. Both stations have equal right to operate on the frequency
D. Stations in ITU Regions 1 and 3 must yield the frequency
to stations in ITU Region 2
016A-6-1.1 C 2-20 Keep the Feed Line Short|You must measure at the |transmitter or amplifier
FCC Rules specify the maximum transmitter power that you may
use with your amateur station. At what point in your station
is the transmitter power measured?
A. By measuring the final amplifier supply voltage inside the
transmitter or amplifier
B. By measuring the final amplifier supply current inside the
transmitter or amplifier
C. At the antenna terminals of the transmitter or amplifier
D. On the antenna itself, after the feed line
017A-6-1.2 D 2-20 PEP
What is the term used to define the average power supplied to
the antenna transmission line during one RF cycle at the crest
of the modulation envelope?
A. Peak transmitter power
B. Peak output power
C. Average radio-frequency power
D. Peak envelope power
018A-6-2.1 C 2-20 Minimum to maintain communications
Notwithstanding the numerical limitations in the FCC Rules, how
much transmitting power shall be used by an amateur station?
A. There is no regulation other than the numerical limits
B. The minimum power level required to achieve S9 signal
C. The minimum power necessary to carry out the desired
D. The maximum power available, as long as it is under the
allowable limit
019A-6-3.1 D 2-20 Absolute maximum amateur|power is 1500 watts PEP
What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur
station on 146.52 MHz?
A. 200 watts PEP output
B. 500 watts ERP
C. 1000 watts dc input
D. 1500 watts PEP output
020A-6-4.1 B 2-20 Beacon operation power limit|is 100 watts PEP output
What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur
station in beacon operation?
A. 10 watts PEP output
B. 100 watts PEP output
C. 500 watts PEP output
D. 1500 watts PEP output
021A-7-1.1 C 2-20 To limit spectrum usage 1200 bauds|is the maximum speed permitted
What is the maximum sending speed permitted for a RTTY
transmission between 28 and 50 MHz?
A. 56 kilobauds
B. 19.6 kilobauds
C. 1200 bauds
D. 300 bauds
022A-7-1.2 B 2-20 19.6 kilobauds
What is the maximum sending speed permitted for a RTTY
transmission between 50 and 220 MHz?
A. 56 kilobauds
B. 19.6 kilobauds
C. 1200 bauds
D. 300 bauds
023A-7-1.3 D 2-20 56 kilobauds
What is the maximum sending speed permitted for a RTTY
transmission above 220 MHz?
A. 300 bauds
B. 1200 bauds
C. 19.6 kilobauds
D. 56 kilobauds
024A-7-2.1 C 2-20 One kilohertz is the maximum |but 170 Hz is the usual shift
What is the maximum frequency shift permitted for RTTY when
transmitted below 50 MHz?
A. 100 Hz
B. 500 Hz
C. 1000 Hz
D. 5000 Hz
025A-7-2.2 C 2-20 There is no maximum, but do not|use more spectrum than necessary|ie. keep as narrow as possible
What is the maximum frequency shift permitted for RTTY when
transmitted above 50 MHz?
A. 100 Hz or the sending speed, in bauds, whichever is greater
B. 500 Hz or the sending speed, in bauds, whichever is greater
C. The FCC rules do not specify a maximum frequency shift above
50 MHz
D. 5000 Hz or the sending speed, in bauds, whichever is greater
026A-7-3.1 A 2-20 Twenty kilohertz
What is the maximum bandwidth permitted an amateur station
transmission between 50 and 220 MHz using a non-standard
A. 20 kHz
B. 50 kHz
C. The total bandwidth shall not exceed that of a single-
sideband emission
D. The total bandwidth shall not exceed 10 times that of
a CW emission
027A-7-3.2 D 2-20 100 kHz
What is the authorized bandwidth of a RTTY, data or multiplexed
emission using an unspecified digital code within the frequency
range of 220 to 450 MHz?
A. 50 kHz
B. 150 kHz
C. 200 kHz
D. 100 kHz
028A-7-3.3 D 2-20 100 kHz
What is the maximum authorized bandwidth of a RTTY, data or
multiplexed emission using an unspecified digital code within
the of 420 to 450 MHz?
A. 50 kHz
B. 200 kHz
C. 300 kHz
D. 100 kHz
029A-8-1.1 B 2-24 Slant, stroke, temporary etc. KT
How must a control operator who has a Novice license and a
Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination for
Technician privileges identify his/her station when
transmitting on 146.34 MHz?
A. The new Technician may not operate on 146.34 until his or
her new license arrives
B. The licensee gives his or her call sign, followed by any
suitable word that denotes the slant mark and the identifier
C. No special form of identification is needed
D. The licensee gives his or her call sign and states the
location of the VE examination where he or she obtained
the certificate of successful completion
030A-8-2.1 B 2-24 English must be used|for identification
Which language(s) must be used when making the station
identification by telephony?
A. The language being used for the contact may be used if it
is not English, providing the US has a third-party traffic
agreement with that country
B. English must be used for identification
C. Any language may be used, if the country which uses that
language is a member of the International Telecommunication
D. The language being used for the contact must be used for
identification purposes
031A-8-3.1 C 2-24 A speech processor will aid only when|band conditions are poor, phonetics |will aid all the time.
What does the FCC recommend to aid correct station identification
when using phone?
A. A speech compressor
B. Q signals
C. A recognized phonetic alphabet
D. Unique words of the operator's choice
032A-9-1.1 A 2-22 The Light House of radio is|called beacon operation
What is the term used to describe an amateur station transmitting
communications for the purpose of observation of propagation and
reception or other related experimental activities?
A. Beacon operation
B. Repeater operation
C. Auxiliary operation
D. Radio control operation
033A-9-2.1 A 2-22 Technician & above
What class of amateur operator license must you hold to operate
a beacon station?
A. Technician, General, Advanced or Amateur Extra class
B. General, Advanced or Amateur Extra class
C. Amateur Extra class only
D. Any license class
034A-10.1 A 2-22 One watt
What is the maximum mean transmitter power an amateur station is
permitted when transmitting signals to control a model craft?
A. One watt
B. One milliwatt
C. Two watts
D. Three watts
035A-10.2 C 2-22 Station call sign|Licensee's name |and address
What minimum information must be indicated on the label affixed
to a transmitter transmitting signals to control a model craft?
A. Station call sign
B. Station call sign and operating times
C. Station call sign and licensee's name and address
D. Station call sign, class of license, and operating times
036A-10.3 D 2-22 Identification is not required|Transmitter Label is required |Power limit is one watt
What are the station identification requirements for an amateur
station transmitting signals to control a model craft?
A. Once every ten minutes, and at the beginning and end of each
B. Once every ten minutes
C. At the beginning and end of each transmission
D. Station identification is not required provided that a label
indicating the station call sign and the station licensee's
name and address is affixed to the station transmitter